This mug would go great with.... hmmm... avocadoes? Nah, that's not right. Oatmeal? That doesn't seem right either. Oh yeah, Tastykakes! Yep, what a great gift combo that would make: a Tastykake mug and a big mess o' Kandy Kanes. Or Butterscotch Krimpets. Either one of those or both, I'm not picky. I don't think it's too late to order online if you order this week. Hopefully. You can get it right here on the Tastykake website--only $7!
Did you mean Kandy Kakes? Or do you really want a big mess of Candy Canes? By the way, c'mon over...I just made you a big long butterscotch krimpet.
HA HA! Jokes on you. Dad has your name and he still hasn't gotten off the couch yet to figure out who he has!!!! There's no way your getting this or anything else that has to be "ordered"
Well Haha to you to, Cheryl! You're just bitter because Mom has your name. So it looks like we're in the same boat. Haha!
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